Reinventing the product playbook

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Reinventing the product playbook

The Client

United Way is a well-recognized international organization – but most people don’t know that it’s actually a network of over 1,800 local nonprofit fundraising affiliates. The power of its programs comes from bottom-up, community-led solutions, and they were hindered by organizational resistance and outdated revenue models.

The Challenge

United Way is a well-recognized international organization – but most people don’t know that it’s actually a network of over 1,800 local nonprofit fundraising affiliates. The power of its programs comes from bottom-up, community-led solutions, and they were hindered by organizational resistance and outdated revenue models.

The Work

We partnered with Shape Products, an industrial design firm, to create a playbook for product development and implementation. We then trained a core team of staff to understand this new value exchange model and teach it internally so that it could scale across the entire organization.

United Way team members used the new playbook to establish more rigor, consistency, and integration to reimagine existing products and design new ones. Fresh opportunities for sustainable revenue followed naturally – while serving all stakeholders and staying aligned with their mission.

Our work together included:

  • Product Development Playbook
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Collaborative design sessions
  • Collaborative innovation sessions

Let’s make it happen

We’d love to talk about your next project. This could be the beginning of something great.
